Infinite love, infinite …??

If logic can be used to explore reality, here are some questions that may be worth kicking around:

God is infinite (and we know He is), and He shows infinite love to those who trust in Christ to save them from the wrath of God to come by giving them infinite/eternal heaven (and we know […]

Noahic Covenant

In the Bible, a Covenant is a promise between two parties, usually between God and Man (either a person or a people-group). There are 8 Divine Covenants in the Bible, depending on how you count them, and they fall into two categories: conditional (“if you do this, I’ll do that”) or unconditional (“I’ll do this […]

Hate the sin, love the sinner?

Love the sinner?

You have heard it said “hate the sin, love the sinner,” but I say… Is that really what the Bible teaches us to do? The easy answer is ‘yes’, Christians are to love everyone, friend, foe, good, bad or indifferent – including the sinner. The Sermon on the Mount is the standard […]


When was the last time you granted someone repentance? Not forgiveness, but repentance? If you’re like me, the answer is ‘never – I can grant forgiveness, but I can’t grant repentance’.

Oddly enough, the Bible consistently uses phrases like “God granting repentance” when talking about people who repent and trust Christ for their salvation. In […]

Faith of our Founding Fathers

Does the United States of America owe its proud heritage to a Judeo-Christian perspective? Were our Founding Fathers Secularists? Deists? Merriam-Webster defines “deist” as “a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe”. In other words, […]

I listened to the voice of my wife…

They call me Antipatros. Herod Antipatros. But you can call me Antipas.

I used to be somebody important. Great, even. Not great enough to have the word ‘great’ in my name, like my father did, but I was a somebody! And now I’m a nobody. This is my story.

You see, dad was not only […]

Disney’s Single Parent Problem

I get weird stares from people if I ever mention that Disney has an obsession with single-parent households. Look no further than Disney’s animated movies. They’re sorely lacking in displaying intact, two-parent homes. Why is Disney, a champion of “family values”, so obsessed with featuring children in homes that do not strive for and appreciate […]

Once Saved, Always Saved?

You have heard it said “Once saved, always saved”. I find that statement to be a little simplistic. When I’m asked the question of eternal security, I like to give the following answer:

Can you lose your salvation? Absolutely!

Can you lose your salvation? Never!

I think that about sums up what the Bible has […]