Not Willing That Any Should Perish – 4 Views

Let’s examine verses like 2 Peter 3:9 where we read that “God is not willing that any should perish”.It seems to me that there are 2 grammatically legitimate ways to read this verse, and 4 potential conclusions that can be drawn from these 2 different readings.1. READING 1, CONCLUSION 1“God is not willing […]

A Brief History of Edom

The Treasury of the Nabateans in Petra, Jordan (Ancient Edom)

The Bible traces the people of Edom to Esau, son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob, born approximately 2,000 BC. By the time of the Exodus in 1446 BC, the offspring of Esau had grown to be a respectably-sized nation, living in the […]

No Hell or Judgment In Acts??

An article on rethinking the Gospel was recently brought to my attention. Among other things, it claimed that there were no warnings of hell and judgement in the book of Acts. Yikes!

Here is my response:

This article presents some landmines that need to be explored.


There is huge danger in “rethinking” an essential […]

Jephthah’s Top Ten Thoughts

As Jephthah launched his assault against the Ammonite enemies, he pledged that if God would give him the victory, he would sacrifice the first thing coming out of his house. After the victory, he heads home ..and out walks his daughter. When she realizes what she’s done, she goes off into the mountains to mourn […]

A Simplistic Parable About Worldviews

I’m occasionally befuddled by the simplicity with which large portions of the planet’s population seem to thrive. I’m reminded of Socrates: “The unexamined life is the life not worth living”. I think he was being extreme, but the fact remains: if a life (or a worldview) is not examined, one cannot realistically expect consistent success, […]

Hasty Doctrines

If we’re going to study our Bibles properly, we have to develop a robust and consistent method of gleaning concise doctrine from the Bible. One fact is clear and needs repeating: you cannot use stories as foundations for a doctrine. Or to use more formal language, you cannot deduce a prescription from a description. Biblical […]

By Nature, Children of Wrath

In Ephesians, Paul says we are “by nature, children of wrath”.

Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. (Ephesians 2:3)

Whatever could he mean?

Here’s a […]

Ancient Jewish Quotations Regarding “Whole World”

1 John 2:2 is an easy verse to misunderstand:

[+] He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world. (1 John 2:2)

Here’s Webster’s definition for “propitiation”:

PROPITIATION, n. propisia’shon. 1. The act of appeasing wrath and conciliating the […]

Spurgeon on Dispensationalism

Every now and then, I’ll hear someone say that Dispensationalism is not new; that it’s been around since the early church. They may point to stray quotes from Ireneaus and other church fathers to bolster their position. Regrettably, their position rests on an obfuscation on what, exactly, Dispensationalism is.

Will the real Dispensationalism stand up? […]

The Four Israels

Jacob wrestling with Angel

The word “Israel” first shows up in the Bible when Jacob wrestles with the Angel of the Lord, and the Angel gives him that name. It means “to struggle/wrestle with God” (Gen 32:22-32).

Throughout the rest of the Bible, the word “Israel” shows up in the Bible about 2,300 […]