Top Ten Ways To Avoid Being Labeled A Berean

In this day of pop-theology, and instant labels, everyone is claiming to be a Berean. It’s going too far! This madness is the world’s thinking, and we need to reject this latest fad of clamoring to be called a ‘Berean’. I suggest we abandon the whole paradigm. After all, there’s no book in the Bible called “1 Berean”, so clearly this is yet another attempt to lead people astray.

This guide will help you make the most of your Christian life and avoid the pitfalls of lesser men.

Top Ten Ways To Avoid Being Labeled A Berean

10. Insist on the Authorized King James Version. Accept no substitutes.

9. It’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do.

8. Don’t get bogged down in nuances and details. That’s where the devil hangs out.

7. It’s not about what you do, it’s about what you know.

6. Make a list of important verses, turn them into easy-to-remember sound bites, and use those sound bites to fight off anything that sounds new or different.

5. Avoid any kind of debate! We are to be people of peace and love.

4. Stick with people who hold your views and reject the fellowship of those who don’t.

3. Rely on your instincts. Better still, rely on your feelings!

2. Reject the old-school way of doing things. After all, they didn’t know much back then.

1. Tradition! They just don’t make them like they used to.

Apply these principles daily and rigorously, and you’ll be able to withstand any pressure to conform to someone else’s thinking.

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