Table Remake

These days it’s hard to find a good table on Craigslist. Everyone wants too much money.

But if you have an eye and a knack with paint and wax (and a good table saw and miter saw, etc), you can turn an ugly table into a neat table.

Here’s the latest project:


Click to see a larger image

Apparently, the previous owner had attempted to upgrade the tables. He painted them gray, but then lost the glass for the larger table. We picked them up on Craigslist for $25.

First order of business was to get rid of the scalloped shell edges and corners and make a flat table-top. A bit of paint and brown wax, and 24 hours later, the larger table went into service as a sweetheart table at a friend’s wedding.

We’ve no use for the smaller table, so it’s being given away to a friend.

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